Thursday, March 08, 2007

I rode yesterday and it felt pretty good. Obviously the legs are the same, so that's not the difference. I think I just was ready for the pain. The first day out after so long off the bike--well, I had just forgotten how much pain was involved and the shock of it was demoralizing. But going out the second day my mind was ready for it, and it's so much easier to accept the pain with equanimity when you have steeled yourself for it. That is what appeals to me so much about the pro cyclists--it's not that they don't feel the pain, its just that they have developed such a phenomenal ability to endure and embrace the pain. Today I had a free day to ride--no deadlines to race to meet--so I went out at 3:30 and knew I could push myself a little further. The legs felt decent. I went out along the same canyon road; today the Devil Winds ahd died down and in ten minutes I covered the miles it had taken twenty minutes to do the day before. The canyon has a long uphill road. Only one real hill, but a long stretch of grade just steep enough to be a pleasant challenge. It's not pretty. Nor is it cool and shady. It's just a long stretch of asphalt bordered by brown dirt and broiled under a miserable sun. I rode until the uphill disappeared and then turned around and cruised back into town. Nice ride. 1:05 18.0 16.6


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